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HomeHouse designBest one floor house design with elegant exterior outlook

Best one floor house design with elegant exterior outlook

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Best one floor house design with elegant exterior outlook

Have trouble with constructing your dream home ? Don’t panic! HOMEZONLINE is here to help you. Browse our best one floor house suitable for small plot area houses, you can find the best small house design elevations under this category.

We have a beautiful collection of small houses. A budget friendly design plan and collection will ease your job . Explore our design collection in modern, traditional, contemporary, box type styles etc. This are a very few names only. Open up and you will understand how much collections we have. Its all designed for you.

Small and budget houses are always trendy regardless of time. People love small houses if it has a nice look and all amenities are fit in within the space.Today we have come up with a small home with abstract design. It is a combination of mixed roof and contemporary style. This one is a small and budget home with 3 bedrooms fit in.

 Best one floor house Nice looking  design

The cladding work is awesome in the exterior and also the structure work given in the painting is amazing. Sit out is small but elegant. The front area of window frame is projected to wall like structure.  In this home, roofing tiles is used only for slope roof and curved roof. Curved roof gives the design a amazing look.

Your small dream home will be astonishing in nature and get stared by viewers always of you chose this. Fix the budget, dream your home and how it looks will be. We are out here to canvas it for you with customization if required.

We have the best team to work with you for a better output and within the limit constraints of size, shape and other difficulties if it may come during the construction of your home. We have got best supervision team also with us to do the jobs for you. Don’t have a single tension when we are around you to fulfill your dreams.

Additional details

Design ID – DRC12520 sit out
Bedroom – 3 2 bedroom 2 attached
Built up Area – 1000sq ft living
Land area – 5 cent kitchen
Ground floor dining , work area
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