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HomeHouse designCharmingly designed simplex home

Charmingly designed simplex home

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Charmingly designed simplex home

The first look of this Charmingly designed simplex home on stunning exterior gives a foreign view to anybody who watch. The designs are so simple and beautiful. The color combination also makes the home exterior more elegant. Now giving more detail about this home. The total area of this home is 1043 square feet and total construction cost of this Charmingly designed simplex home is 19 lakhs.

The designs are so simple and some support  are given for modifications. Front view gives a flat roofing with simple designs and amenities. It includes sit out, living, dining, 2 bed with attached bath, kitchen, store and stair room.

Elegant home design with simple exterior

Required land area for this Charmingly designed simplex home is 5 cent plot. It is a considered as a contemporary style home design  because of its slope roofing. Open style normal sized sit out is designed very well. At the entering area of the sit out we can see pergolas with attractive green color paint. Windows and doors are designed awesomely. One large sized windows arranged here.

At the right side of the exterior wall, we can see a horizontal grooves line design with white and maroon color combination of paint. Three panel windows are done on the wall along with L shaped projected cutting wall. Roofing vent area of the slope roofing is painted with dark blue color paint.

Stair room is designed very stylishly , three horizontal style pergolas with glass covering done on the wall.  And left side of the exterior wall can see the grooves line design along with maroon and white color paint.

Beautiful court yard is set in front of the home. Color combination of paint also good. This charmingly designed simplex home is suitable for small families. And it is also a budget friendly beautiful home design. If any one attracted on this amazing design, please contact us. And also keep touch with us for getting wide variety collections of trending home designs on this category……

Additional details

Design ID – HMZ18122 sit out
Bedroom – 2 2 bedroom 2 attached
Built up Area – 1043 sq ft living
Land area – 5 cent kitchen
Ground floor dining , work area
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