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HomeHouse designContemporary double storey home with trending outer view

Contemporary double storey home with trending outer view

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Contemporary double storey home with trending outer view

Everyone wants to different from others, especially when it comes to the home design. Everyone always try to show  trending designs on their homos. So  Our designers always make a difference in each of our home designs. Today we present a contemporary double storey home
With trending outer view. It is a very attractive home design with all features.
The total built up area is, 2150 square feet and required land area is 10 cent plot. Open style vast spaced sit out is supported with a thick corner pillar. Half portion of these pillar is covered with beautiful grey color caddies.
Windows and doors are designed very well made by wood.

Duplex home design with stylish exterior

Two panel window and doors are designed in sit out. Beside the sit out, at the right side wall is decorated with caddies. And also we can see a show wall at the right corner side. Sun roofs are slope style at the front area, other side sun roofs are flat model.
Look at the first floor we get a beautiful balcony and a small area as an open terrace, attached to the balcony. Balcony look like a box style and nearest exterior wall of the balcony decorated very stylishly.
Gable and flat roofing is used here and a decorative work is done at the gable vent area. Glass and railing pipe barricades is used on balcony and open terrace.

Color combination of paint is very classy. Most area is painted with elegant white color paint. White color paint and show wall decorative works are bring attractive look to this double storey home with trending outer view.
This home design includes all modern features with spacious. Sit out, dining, living, 2 bed with attached bath, kitchen, work area in ground floor and 2 bed with bath, upper living, balcony in first floor. The estimated construction cost of this double storey home with trending outer view is 39 lakh.
If anyone is attracted on this Contemporary double storey home with trending outer view design contact us. And also visit our website for unique home designs in different categories…..

Additional details

Design ID – HMZ25821A dining
Bedroom – 4 kitchen
Built up Area – 2150 sq ft work area
Land area – 10 cent First floor
Ground Floor 2bedroom 2attached
sit out living
 2 Bedroom 2 attached balcony
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