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HomeHouse designContemporary simplex 2bhk home design

Contemporary simplex 2bhk home design

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Contemporary simplex 2bhk home design

Now a days people mostly searching for single floor home design with stylish exterior. Today we present a Contemporary simplex 2bhk home with eye catching exterior. The total built up area of this Contemporary simplex 2bhk home design is 960 square feet area.

This home included all modern facilities with spacious like other simplex home designs. Sit out, porch, living, dining, kitchen, 2 bed with attached bath and stair room. Required land area for this Contemporary simplex 2bhk home design is 5 cent plot. Estimated construction cost is 18 lakh.

Flat and slope roofing are used in this design, traditional style grey color roofing bronze are completely pasted on the slope roofing. Exterior designs are done very beautifully with stylish caddies. Small sized sit out is done very elegantly. And supported with a thick pillar. Half area of the pillar is decorated with ceramic caddies.

Simplex home design features

Windows and doors are designed very well, made by wood. This design is look like a V shaped, at the right side we can see two rectangle shaped designs. One is larger than other.  Brick style caddies and ceramic caddies are pasted in it.

At the left side we can see a projected cutting wall around the two panel corner window. This wall is decorated very well with two different style. Half area is painted with grey color paint and remaining wall with brick caddies.

Stair room is decorated very simple look with brick caddies and white color paint. Door is similar pattern as sit out. we get some area as open terrace with railing stick barricade. Beautiful  grass yard is set in front of the home. Totally this is an awesome contemporary home design with beautiful outlook.

This home is more suitable for single families. If you are interested on this stylish home design, contact us and keep touch with us for getting wide variety collections of beautiful home designs…

Additional details

Design ID – HMZ30122 sit out
Bedroom – 2 2 bedroom 2 attached
Built up Area – 960 sq ft living
Land area – 5 cent kitchen
Ground floor dining , work area
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