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HomeHouse designDuplex home with seemly exterior

Duplex home with seemly exterior

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Duplex home with seemly exterior

Join us to make your dream home comes true. We explore the best home designs in front of you. Our designers always try to bring trending design in your budget. Today we proudly present Duplex home with seemly exterior. It is  box style flat roofing double storey home design. Now a days peoples more searching box style home design with flat roofing. The exterior decorations are done very trendily.

The total built up area of this Duplex home with seemly exterior is 2200 square feet area. Required land area is 8 cent plot. Estimated construction cost of this Duplex home with seemly exterior is 40 lakh. This beautiful home included all modern facilities with spacious. Sit out, porch, living, dining, kitchen, work area, 2 bed with bath in ground floor. and 2 bed with attached bath , balcony, upper living area in first floor.

Awesome duplex home on flat style

Porch is designed at the front area of the sit out, supported with three pillars. These pillars are decorated very well with brick style caddies. At the roofing edge area of the porch, we can see pergolas with glass roofing. Windows and doors are made by wood.

Pergola with glass covering done on the right side wall, some area is considered for planting. At the right corner side we can see a large projected cutting wall with grey color paint. Look at the first floor we get small area as balcony with glass with steel framing barricade.

Beside of the balcony we get some places as open terrace with railing barricade. And brick style caddies also pasted on the wall and pergolas with glass covering done here on the wall. All sun roofs are done in flat style. White and grey color combination of paint bring the ravishing look to this Duplex home with seemly exterior design.

Outstanding land yard also set in front of the home. Totally this is an awesome home design with modern facilities. If you are interested on this home design, contact us. Keep touch with us for getting more home designs

Additional details

Design ID – HMZ20122 dining
Bedroom – 4 kitchen
Built up Area – 2200 sq ft work area
Land area – 8 cent First floor
Ground Floor 2bedroom 2attached
sit out living
 2 Bedroom 2 attached balcony


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