160+ Best sloping roof design collections | Sloping roof house plans
A roof is something which covers upper part of our house especially from rain. They are the integral part of any construction. The sloping roof design are very popular. Different types of roofs are present but it has been selected according to the climate. Roof shapes will differ greatly from region to region. Depending upon its shape we can categorize roofs like Flat roofs and sloping roof designs and contemporary etc..
Sloping roof house designs are always popular and demanding one in Kerala. Some people are looking for this style houses for every time. This designs are very suitable for rainy season in Kerala. It is one of the traditional roofing system too. Also we can design very beautiful house designs on sloped roof and this are still using nowadays. Sloping roofs offer the benefits that it adds the insulation between the roof space and interior of the room and reduce the temperature inside of the rooms than in flat roofs. More over a sloping roof will provide shades to the house and looks much more bigger .
Contemporary sloping roof design plans
Slope roofs are commonly seen in Kerala for duplex homes. The height of this homes will be very much higher compared to flat roofs. The slope creates a better heat dissipation space to the room. The main thing with the slope roof is that it need to be paved with roofing tiles. This can be made with wide variety of selection availabile. Clay made roofing tiles gives less temperature than cement tiles.
Steep slopes are seen in some designs which is like a cottage home in foreign countries. Slopes generally have a 45 degree angle in Kerala made homes. These angles can be deviated with needs and customised. The slope designs are mainly standard design, so it gets never vanished. In Kerala this is quite suitable due to the monsoon season availability for a long continuous period.