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HomeHouse designTwo storied modern home design in 2000 Square Feet

Two storied modern home design in 2000 Square Feet

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Two storied modern home design in 2000 Square Feet

Today we bring you a two storied modern home design in 2000 square feet. It is a beautiful and attractive Kerala style home design. If you are looking for home in modern category then this one will be a great deal for you. This modern home could be constructed in an estimated cost of Rs. 33 lakhs. This home has a great features with an eye-catching exterior.

We at homezonline team has a good updating skill with great number of team with right abilities. We opt out the best only. So choosing the best that matching with your dream will not be a task. Meanwhile the best plans are never-ending from our side.we keep showering new elevations based on trend setter. Basically everyone looks for a home with basic facilities. But what it make changes to your home looks? Yes.,you are right. Elevation determines the looks and style of a home.

Beautiful two storied modern home with 4 bedroom

This plan gives a contemporary style in mixed roof. Textured wall design with horizontal grooves make the design aggressive. The flat roof of balcony makes it separated from the other areas. Long windows give the correct light input inside. Sunlight will pass with a correct amount since the slope sunroof is blocking the area. Split sunroof with tiles on it makes an attractive view.

Projection walls and cladding tiles used for better look. Balcony has a railing with glass. Gi pipes also available on another side. The paint combination gives a choice appeal. The wood material used for windows and doors is neat and clean. This curated design has a beautiful effect on viewer mind. It gives them a feel about their dream. So wishing to create a home like this be your dream and making that wish come true will be our mission. So you keep dreaming, we keep planning.

Additional details

Design ID – HMZE28422 dining
Bedroom – 4 kitchen
Built up Area – 2000 sq ft work area
Land area – 7 cent First floor
Ground Floor 2bedroom 2attached
sit out living
 2 Bedroom 2 attached balcony

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